15-20 June 2014
Warsaw, Poland
Europe/Warsaw timezone
The 12th International School and Symposium on Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science (ISSRNS 2014) will be organized by Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society (PTPS) in cooperation with two Polish institutions, the Institute of Physics, of the Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw) and National Centre for Nuclear Physics, (Otwock/Świerk) from 15th to 20th of June 2014 in Warsaw (Poland).
ISSRNS is a traditional forum for discussing fundamental issues of application of the synchrotron radiation and related methods in natural sciences. The aim of this interdisciplinary meeting is to bring together scientists working with synchrotron radiation. The Symposium will focus on novel applications of synchrotron radiation in physics, chemistry, material science, biology and medicine.
The scientific programme of the Symposium includes invited lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions.
The Scientific Committee invites also a presentation option called "invited original talk" addressed to the contributors who would like to present particularly interesting, new results in a short lecture (not exceeding 20 min.). The applicant for the "invited original talk" should submit an extended abstract of 2 pages. The submitted abstracts will be refereed and qualified by the Scientific Committee. The authors of accepted abstracts, receiving the status of the "invited original talk" speakers, will be entitled to pay reduced participation costs, one author per contribution.
Best Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
We kindly inform you that during the ISSRNS 2014, a competition for the best oral and poster presentation will be held. The judges will evaluate the presentations during the conference run. Final results will be announced during the Conference Dinner. The winners will be awarded with valuable prizes funded by Organizers and honored with diploma.
Honorary Patronage
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Organized by
ISSRNS 2014 is organized by the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society together with two research centers: the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and the National Centre for Nuclear Research in Świerk.
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